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PostPosted: February 18th, 2009, 10:49 am 
Rank 11: Sexy Black Mage Rank 11: Sexy Black Mage
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Believe it or not, I wasn't always this focused on working on [game which shall not be mentioned by name].

...Wait, let me rephrase that. I jumped around between a bunch of project ideas a lot. And since 1ce has listed the games he came up with that didn't get completed, so shall I. Assuming I haven't done this already. Pretty sure I did at one point, but I don't see any existing topic where I did, so I do it now. Although if anybody can figure out what happened to the topic I posed it in, that'd be nice.

In no particular order.

Elements of Darkness (RPG)
Actually, I have a demo of this in the Game Vault. A very old demo, made in 2002. It was to be my practice game with RPGM1, before I worked on [game which shall not be mentioned by name]. Very generic story, actually. You play as two well-known heroes who are summoned by the king to see why the elemental beings around the world are going nuts. Oh sure, I had a few interesting ideas, but ultimately I didn't put that much effort into the idea. Best guess, I never finished it because I wanted to move on to [game which shall not be mentioned by name].

Ratz & Meece (Lode Runner Clone)

Ratz & Meece are two field mice who love cheese. So they decide to go to the moon, because everyone knows the moon is made of cheese. But the squirrels aren't happy about this, because they don't have a giant acorn to go to, so they try to stop the mice from having their giant cheese. I actually had the game functioning pretty well, released a demo with five or seven stages. Nobody really took interest in it. I still want to complete it someday, though. Perhaps it'll work as a title on Action Game Maker.

The RPG Maker (Epic RPG)
One of my bigger ideas, and another I'd like to make someday. Starring a hero who, due to an injury in a cave-in, loses his memory. He doesn't know where he was going, but upon hearing about trouble in a nearby castle, figured perhaps he was heading to it to help out. This inevitably leads to meeting an insane man on a quest for ultimate power, using the world's three elemental stones of Fire, Ice, and Water. But what is this power he seeks, and how does it relate to the amnesiac man? Well, since I intend to finish it someday, I'm not saying. :P

Untitled RPG

Idea that never got very far. Guy gets killed by a backstabbing friend, his ghost flashbacks the events leading up to it, eventually reaching a temple for some artifact. Then the spirit of the temple comes to his ghost and reincarnates him as a female black panther to stop whatever the backstabbing friend is doing. Yeah, I'm not sure where I was going with it, either.

Something Stupid IX (RPG, mostly)
Hero is an idiotic hero who somehow manages to save the day in the previous eight games, with the help of his sidekick fairy, Sidekick. One day he gets a letter from himself asking to make Something Stupid IX before the end of the RPGM Mag's Craziest Game contest, so he goes off and winds up releasing the evil lord that he sealed in the princess's room in one of the previous games. Featuring a very interactive world with some rather stupid reactions, it would've featured quite the random quest. The problem is, it never got finished in time for the Craziest Game contest's deadline, and I never felt enough like working on it, again.

Block-Coon (Pac-Man Clone)
A game starring me as I flee from spiders, blocking their paths in the mazes so they don't catch me, while at the same time trying to make sure I don't get blocked myself. I had it fairly functional, made it a couple levels in. Ultimately, I decided that it was too clunky and not really varied enough to work as its own standalone game.

Dungeon Crawled (Puzzle Game)
You guys know about this one. Was a puzzle game on RPGM1 where you sat at the bottom of the screen while ever-increasing hoards of monsters came at you. The goal was to knock out enough monsters to gain enough Exp to beat the demon leader at the end, the trick being you had to defeat the same types of enemies in a row to multiply your score. Alternatively, there was the puzzle mode, where you had to guide charging enemies around obstacles in such a way that you get the best possible score. I'm gonna get back to this game, eventually. [game which shall not be mentioned by name] has just taken priority.

Jester's Hunt 3D (Collection Game)
The sequel for the original Jester's Hunt, planned for RPGM2 since its release. Not saying much about it, yet. Just know that it's gonna take high priority once [game which shall not be mentioned by name] is done, and the quest is going to be much more structured than the aimless wandering that was the original. I'm not going to make the same mistakes Banjo-Tooie did.

RPG Maker 2: A Scene for Every Song (Movie)
Actually just something I thought of today. Every time I listen to RPGM2's music, I can picture a scene for many of its songs. And so I thought, maybe I could actually do that. Not necessarily any structured plot or dialogue or any gameplay, just a little mini-movie for each song that RPGM2 provides. Will I actually make it? Dunno.

Labrynth (Maze Game)
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Just a game where you wander through mazes to reach the goal. Except, I think I had the idea that every few levels you'd gain a new form to shapeshift into that you can use to get through the mazes.

Untitled Sequels to Slayers' Reign (Epic RPGs)
Yeah, they ain't happening. [game which shall not be mentioned by name] isn't getting any sequels. I've still got a few ideas from them that I might use in another game, but these games are cancelled due to me finding it unecessary to continue the story in [game which shall not be mentioned by name].

Untitled Prequel to Slayers' Reign (Strategy Game)
More likely to happen in some form. Would have taken place during the epic war mentioned during various points of [game which shall not be mentioned by name]. The story isn't likely to survive, but the gameplay might. The idea is that two opposing sides battle for land. The owners of the land lay traps that the intruders must get through, and the intruders must send out the right types of soldiers ahead to disable the traps and reach the general at the end for an all-out brawl.

Robot Game, forgot the title (Puzzle Game)
A game where you are a scientist whose robots have escaped throughout the lab, and it's your job to guide them back into their holding cells. I had two ideas for this. One was for RPGM2, and you wandered the lab yourself and manipulated the environment as you scared, led, or pushed the robots in the right direction. The other idea, for RPGM1, is a bit more innovative. The scientist would be controlling the environment from the safety of his computer room, and you would guide the cursor around the maps to guide the robots through it. It would require that the game be played in test play so that you could guide the cursor anywhere onscreen. It wouldn't allow for as many robot types, but it would've made for some more intricate puzzles. (By the way, in case you're wondering how his robots escaped, it's because he meant to press the "sandwich" button but hit the "release robots" button instead. :P)

First-Person RPG for RPGM1
This really didn't get anywhere. Mostly I just tested the feasability of creating such a game. Unfortunately, RPGM1's graphics don't lend much to a first-person viewpoint. Scrapped the idea in a hurry.

Elder's Scrolls Type RPG
Choose your race and class and wander around the different countries doing...stuff. Not sure what all I had planned. Don't expect it to happen.

Werewolf RPG
Would've been made on RPGM3. I wanted to take advantage of the day/night system to make your character turn into a werewolf at night.

Untitled RPG
An invincible demon rules the world, and as a mockery of all hero wannabes, he actually forces a random group of unfortunate heroes to go on a futile quest to "defeat him", only to destroy them when they get close. At first I wasn't sure what RPGM it would be for. Until I started reading about RPGM3 (which wasn't released yet), and started planning ahead for it. And then I found out how cutscenes in RPGM3 worked, and I gave up on the idea.

Untitled First-Person Adventure
Inspired by Metroid Prime, would've been made on RPGM2. You awaken in a lab, unsure what you are. Some hostile creatures are around you, but at first they don't think to attack you, thus you must be one of them. But as you wander, eventually a space ship lands and you find yourself the enemy of your own kind, yet hunted at the same time by the intruders. It's up to you to figure out what you are, what your purpose was, and try to communicate with the beings who hunt you and your kind down. It's probably my most ambitious game idea, totally atmospheric with the only sounds you hear in the game being those around you (I would've made heavy use of RPGM2's stereo sound effects) and heavy usage of VFX characters. If you've ever played the first Metroid Prime, that's essentially how this game would feel, except what you lack in a power suit with gun you make up for with brute strength and sharp claws. I kinda question how possible it would've actually been. (Not in this lifetime.)

You know, looking over this list of ideas I have, seeing how many I actually want to still try, definately motivates me to work doubletime on [game which shall not be named] right now. Too bad instead I have to go to bed and this motivation wear go back to normal by the time I wake up. :P Oh, by the way, I finished a mini-game in [game which shall not be mentioned by name] just the other morning. Yay, progress!

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: March 11th, 2009, 10:20 am 
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"Ratz & Meece" sounds good. I used to love "Lode Runner". Spent a lot of time playing "Lode Runner: The Legend Returns" on PC. Even made my own file with something like 35 levels.

"Block-Coon" sounds great, too. Anything based on Pac-Man works for me.

"Labyrinth" - There was a game on the Atari computer back in the day called "Way Out". It had, like, 50 utterly humgonous mazes, and you had to find the exit while avoiding a strange pillar of light that looks around for you. I was thinking on doing something similar with RPG Maker 3.

PostPosted: March 11th, 2009, 10:32 pm 
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Geez, did it really take this long to finish the second mini-game? I must be really behind.

Anyway, I remembered a couple other game ideas I had.

Thief of Magic (RPG on RPGM2)
A story about a thief who, thanks to a shattered meteorite that fell before him with special magical properties, allowed him to easily take over the country and amass a huge amount of gold. Three heroes take up the task of hunting down the remaining pieces of the meteorite in hopes of confronting the greedy thief-king and matching his power. Of course, they've got to deal with the thief's general, monsters, and demon queen along the way, first. And wouldn't you know it, one of the heroes has connections to the thief.

Old-School RPG for RPGM1
I'm sure many of us felt like making one of these at some point. An RPG that wouldn't be out of place in the NES era. Straightforward story, archaeic battles, nothing really that fancy. Except it would be using a custom world map. Other than that, when you think of the story and quest structure, just think of the very first Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy games. I've recently been challenged to create an RPG in less than 80 hours. (Okay, it wasn't a direct challenge). I might eventually make this.

*counts the amount of projects he wants to eventually get to*
11 games. Seems I've got a lifetime of work ahead of me.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: March 14th, 2009, 8:18 am 
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And then I remembered another one.

Untitled RPGM3 Game
I barely even remember what I planned for this one. I know I wanted a game where you played as the animal characters. I think some animals were good and others were the bad guys. Aside from that, the only thing I remember is that I was hoping to use the field maps as paths between towns rather than the shrunken world maps they normally get used as.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

PostPosted: April 14th, 2010, 12:53 am 
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While going through some older posts, I came across this idea:

Atop the Mountain (RPGM3 game)
I once created this map for the fun of it, and it featured this high-up plateue in the corner. I was pleased enough with the map that I wanted to make an actual game using it. The idea would be that something mystic or something would be on top of the mountain. Certainly, the view would be nice, as you'd be able to see across the entire map. This game won't happen, though. Mostly on account the file's long since been deleted.

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"What if like...there was an exact copy of you somewhere, except they're the opposite gender, like you guys could literally have a freaky friday moment and nothing would change. Imagine the best friendship that could be found there."

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