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Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Part 3 of 4
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Okay, so here's the deal. Draygone moved from emulator to console from part 2 to part 3. Loading up a different save, he got to where he was on the emulators. Problem was, the airship flew past the levels he had previously completed on emulator but skipped on console to save time. The first level he completed in this video he had already beaten, and from 3:00 to 5:30 he had to re-beat levels he already cleared.

So instead of having everyone pause like we did in the DKC2 race, I calculated that it was a total of 3 minutes and 12 seconds of time he lost, so I'll take that much time off his final time once he beats Bowser. Fair?

Be sure to check out everyone's channels:

Lantis -
Ixzion -
Draygone -
Orange Gamer -
ShadowFox -
GoldGlee -
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