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Review: Wait In Line RPG
By: Duel | Published: October 6, 2008 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


Across the world, normal people like you and I are forced to wait to buy certain products and services. We see these as mere obstacles, but no, these are tests of courage, strength, and wisdom. Now the ultimate Sim is here.

Wait In Line RPG...

Here is what I have to say about this epic game:

Unmatched, each level has a different design with nice graphical touches. There isn't any music. But who needs bad music along with a game, anyway? Not much else besides GREAT level design.

The game features the reliable use of the X button.Sadly, the other buttons are unused.


Finally, the fun of waiting in line without leaving home. Ten levels of EPIC excitement. It's so fun that I HAVE to deduct one point.

It's a damn good game, and not because I reviewed it myself.

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