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The Top 100 Videogame Music of Ixzion's Soul - #60-51
By: Ixzion | Published: January 8, 2014 10:27 am | Gaming


Haven't seen Part 4? Click here to do so.

This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).

In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.

Let's go!

Darkwing Duck - Moliarty Stage

Darkwing Duck was the shit. His game does him justice because it's done by Capcom in the Golden Age. On the NES, Capcom was a musical god and this is another one of their triumphs.

Knuckles Chaotix - Marina Madness Zone (Seascape)

People overlooked this because it was on the 32x, and perhaps rightfully so, but this music is the best on the system. Except maybe the theme song for the game Tempo. Still, the vibe on this song is just all-around classic era Sonic.

Super Mario Brothers - Overworld (Stage 1-1)

#58?!!!!, you might be shouting right now. Yes, how dare I put this legendary song so low on my list. Well, the fact of the matter is, while I really do love this song, there are songs I listen to a helluva lot more than this and enjoy. I appreciate this song, though. Everyone should know this're humming it in your head right now!

Portal - Still Alive

There could be potential spoilers about the game in this song, so if you listen to it, make sure that you don't care about that. Otherwise, this is probably the newest song on my list. The concept of a character in the game singing about the plot of the game at the end is just amazing. Great song from a great game.

Kirby's Dreamland - Green Greens

Narrowly beating out King Dedede's theme is Green Greens! How can you not like this song? It's upbeat, peppy and introduces you to the world of Kirby.

Contra - Jungle

How many of Red Falcon's minions have I slain under the heart-thumping, driving beat of this song? Tens of thousands, I'm sure. Welcome to Contra.

Super Mario Brothers 3 - Seaside (Water Land)

Ahhhh. Relaxing. You don't have a care in the world when you listen to this one. I've played to 1-1 Fortress, got the whistle, went to World 3 and just stayed there on more than a few occasions. Classic. (Note: Also apparently a mix of Zelda's Great Fairy theme.)

Kirby's Adventure - vs. Nightmare

Oh snap, you know it's on now! I was at odds between this and Grape Garden, but the sheer epicness of the going toe-to-vortex with Nightmare music was too irresistible to ignore.

Um Jammer Lammy - Got to Move! (Lammy's version)

Um Jammer Lammy is pretty much the best game in the series. Not only can you rock on a guitar, but Parappa can join in with brand-new takes on every song she does. Lammy's finale song is just too hot. I love this one. If you can grab this, go for it!

Parappa the Rapper - Chop Chop Master Onion's RAP

So, I used to subscribe to the Playstation Underground magazine, where they'd send you demos for games 4 times a year. I still have the disk where I first played this game on. I was completely hooked on the crazy song and funky beat of this song. Hilarious stuff.


Click here to see part 6.

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